Learning to take a little bit of me time…

Everyone always says you need to take care of yourself.. and I gotta admit.. I don’t.. pretty much ever.. I love being creative, but I take my creativity and turn it into a job, give myself crazy deadlines and responsibilities, and make it not fun… so here are a few projects i’m working on right now that I”m trying not to turn into a crazy responsibility…

I am trying to make a baby blanket, the lovely pattern was found here. This is going to be a long long process and I know nothing about adding a second colour in.. but I’m excited to start…. this is going to be a beautiful thank you gift to a very generous person I met a few months ago. photoI brought this lovely storage shelf home to use as extra storage, but I soon realized that it is almost the perfect size to turn into a bench with possible storage.. so here comes the challenge! turning this into a lovely bench with storage… this shall be fun!

I will keep you appraised of the progress.. it’s time to Create!
